7 Ways To Keep Visitors On Your Website For Longer (Part 1)

 We all want to increase average time a user spends on our site. And it's incredibly important when in comes to being found on page one of Google because low session duration increase your bounce rates and kill your conversion rate. So In this article, we have 7 ways to increase visitors’ average time spent on your website.

1. Add Informative and High Quality Content: It’s very important that your website content is adding value to your visitors. Make sure the content you are producing is informative and interesting. Add headings and different text styles to make your content attractive, you can bold your keywords and add hyperlink to that keyword. You can also hire professional content writer.

2. Make Your Site Easy to Navigate: Making your site easy to navigate is one the overall best way to keep visitors on your website for long time because an easy to navigate website not only means that it is clutter-free and easy to find everything, but it is also shows that you don’t have any broken links.

3. Appeal to the Right Audience: If you’re attracting audience with no interest in your business or service, they are sure to bounce straight away. Utilize keyword optimization to attract your ideal audience to your website. The more relevant visitor or audience is, the more likely they will stick around and see what your business has to say.

 4. Increase Your Website’s Speed: There’s nothing more annoying than a slow website. Remember, you only have a couple of seconds to make a first good impression. A delay of a single second or two is enough to lose the attention of any visitors. So increase your website speed.

5. Use High-Quality Images: We all know that images are the most engaging form of content on the web. We all love to look at images more than the reading text. Right??

This is why you see most popular websites use full-screen high quality background images on their landing pages. So make sure that you use clear , eye-catching and relevant images.


6. Optimize Your Site for Mobile: 70% out of 100 use their mobile phones to open any website. So it is very important that your website is mobile friendly. If someone will land on a confusing, cluttered page, they won’t stay on your website for long time. Which will increase your bounce rate.

7. Place Related Content in Your Site’s Footer: To make your website more friendly and attractive, you can Place related content in your website’s footer. Which is a great way to catch the attention of your users.


Rank Your Website on Number 1: To increase your website's visibility, you can choose a good digital marketing agency. Which will give heights to your business. You will get increased sales and money. 


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